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  • higherhearthealing

Ep. 09 - News for the Soul Radio - Sorcery & Spiritual Boundaries with Guest, Amanda Marie-Andree

About our Guest:

Amanda is a Spiritual & Energy Healer who offers:

- Shamanic Healing

- Reiki Healing

- ThetaHealing®

- Beyond Quantum Healing

To learn more about Amanda, please visit:

Show Notes

0:03 Intro

1:08 What is Sorcery?

2:56 Common misconceptions about Sorcery

4:22 The Evil Eye

6:38 Solomon and the First Testament

7:50 Black Magic

10:10 How to avoid partaking in unintentional Sorcery

13:48 The karmic implications of Sorcery

15:00 Why we do it

16:30 Intentional Sorcery

17:14 Loving yourself fully

17:40 Consent as it pertains to Readings and Healings

19:10 Signs to look for in an ethical Practitioner

19:48 Ethics and Boundaries in Spiritual Healing

29:08 What's right for you vs. what's right for others

29:46 How to practically listen to your body

32:19 What to do when something "feels off"

34:20 Energetic Contracts

36:36 An opportunity to heal, learn, and grow

37:04 How to navigate ending relationships

38:30 The old paradigm of spiritual leaders and systems

40:18 Recovering from narcissistic abuse

41:48 Theta healing and re-programming your beliefs

44:40 Closing remarks

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